Checkmate for Foursquare lets you check in automatically to your favorite places. Checkmate will run in the background and automatically check you in when you are close enough to a venue. No more awkward silence as everyone in your group pulls out their phone to check in!
- Maintain control by only choosing venues you want to check in to.
- Checkmate wont check you into a location if you do so manually.
- Share your auto-checkins with Twitter and Facebook.
- Share with friends or check in off the grid.
- GPS mode for more accurate location tracking and checkins.
- Set a custom radius per venue for Checkmate to monitor.
- Choose how often Checkmate will check you in for each venue.
- Set a timer delay for Checkmate to check you in, eliminating drive-by auto check-ins.
- Set a custom shout for each venue.
- Slide gestures to quickly add and remove venues from your auto check in list.
- Choose to automatically check in, or simply receive a reminder.
Checkmate has been completely redesigned and is compatible with all devices that support iOS 7.
Reviews: Rated 4/5 by Appsafari!
Disclaimer: Continued use of GPS running in the background can dramatically decrease battery life.